Operation Bag of Hope

Providing essential resources to those without shelter.

With a total of approximately 650,000 people suffering from homelessness in America the coming winter months are becoming more and more daunting. Of those 650,000 individuals around 256,000 are unsheltered. Exposed to the winter conditions many suffer from hypothermia or other illnesses secondary to the cold. With the recent COVID pandemic the homeless populations are more susceptible to illness than ever.

With the help of volunteers, donors, and our team we are providing sleeping bags, hats, gloves, socks, bags, and food to these unsheltered individuals. These essentials can help lower the risk of a homeless individual from falling victim to the cold harsh winters across the country. If you would like to help our cause please donate using the gofundme link or email us at info@frontlinegrace.org to arrange donation of winter supplies.